
How to Find Durable Medical Equipment Suppliers in Michigan

Great Lakes Imaging takes considerable pride in being the premier medical imaging supplier and medical equipment supplier serving Southeast Michigan. But as robust as our offerings are, we’re well aware that your practice is likely to need more than a new chiropractic table or veterinary exam table. Since that can leave a nagging question—“Now what?”—let’s discuss how to reliably source durable medical equipment (DME) in Michigan, starting with asking the right questions.

Who Are These People?

Regardless of the equipment offered, or the promises made, can your prospective supplier deliver? We don’t mean simple order fulfillment, though that matters, too. The reputation of your supplier matters. They should be well-established, with good reviews. They should be transparent about their pricing and terms. Furthermore, they should also provide excellent support at every stage of your relationship with them.

Who’s My Supplier’s Supplier?

One thing we’ve all learned as the COVID epidemic has unfolded is that sourcing matters. It matters to us as medical professionals, it matters for patient outcomes, and it also makes a difference with regard to the quality of the product we’re receiving. In addition to disclosing specifications, your supplier should be up-front about where their products come from, and if or how substitutions are handled in the event that something is out of stock but needs to be replaced in a hurry.

Are My Needs Met in One Place?

A supplier that has a significant inventory helps on several levels. There’s the convenience factor since you’re not shopping at multiple suppliers to get an order filled. If you’re a larger office, a hospital, or a community-based nonprofit health organization, fewer suppliers mean a more streamlined bidding process. Other factors, like bulk pricing and shipping, are also greatly simplified, and it’s easier to leverage savings.

Are My Patients’ Needs Met as Well?

Your practice often isn’t the only thing for which you’re shopping. If you have a patient recovering from a procedure or surgery, you may wish to keep supplies on hand for them too, ensuring that their recovery gets off on the right foot. Some suppliers combine both professional and consumer-grade DME, and that versatility may be valuable to you.

Who’s Accountable?

One thing we know from our quarter-century in business: relationships matter. You may find it much easier dealing with a vendor that offers a single point of contact—an account manager, or dedicated support staff—who will be available for your questions and concerns as they arise.

Working With Great Lakes Imaging

Your work isn’t over simply because you’ve outfitted your office, exam rooms, and surgical suites with everything from medical imaging equipment to surgical supplies. In order to best serve your patients, you’ve likely given a lot of thought to how you will customize your practice to meet their needs. Great Lakes Imaging is here to help with that customization, from medical equipment installations to custom medical equipment solutions. Get in touch today to get started, or to put the finishing touches on your practice.