
Three Methods Chiropractors Use to Treat Back Pain

Stiff necks, sciatica, slipped and herniated discs, whiplash… chiropractors have seen and treated it all, giving their patients much-needed and very welcome pain relief and a return to normal life in the process. But not every condition will respond to the same types of treatment, which is why a good chiropractor evaluates the patient and their needs, and only then moves on to choosing the type of adjustment and chiropractic equipment near Detroit that they will use.

Chiropractic Treatment Methods

There are multiple adjustment styles within chiropractic but boiled down to their essentials each chiropractor’s approach addresses three key areas regardless of the techniques used.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is what the layperson most often associates with chiropractic care. Here, the patient’s joints are manually manipulated, either on an adjusting table or a traction table. In this way, the patient’s joints can be stretched and mobilized, easing pain and also alleviating stress on surrounding musculature.

Soft Tissue Therapy

Having mentioned muscle pain and stress, we would be remiss if we didn’t also discuss how chiropractic adjustment addresses it. The application of heat (to promote flexibility and relieve pain), cold (to prevent swelling and inflammation), and even cutting-edge treatments like cold lasers is often undertaken in tandem with a regimen of stretches, trigger point therapy, and even multiple forms of instrument-assisted therapy. Some chiropractors’ offices will make use of what’s generally considered equipment for physical therapy alongside traditional chiropractic equipment.

Exercise Therapy and Self-Management

In some ways, the chiropractor’s craft overlaps with physical and occupational therapy. After all, s/he is often attempting to help patients restore range of motion, as well as strength lost to atrophy, or imbalances that occur when pain or misalignment cause patients to favor one side of the body, or one muscle group, over another. So from tips for good posture to exercises a patient can do between visits, a good chiropractor gives the patient tools to aid in their recovery and continued well-being.

Chiropractic Diagnostic Equipment

Of course, a personalized treatment plan relies on a full understanding of the patient’s condition. This cannot always be ascertained through palpation or range of motion exercises. Therefore, chiropractic diagnostic equipment is a necessity for the modern chiropractor’s office to ensure the right methods are being applied.

Treating Chiropractic Practices’ Pain Points

Just as maintenance is necessary for patients to remain pain-free*, chiropractic equipment maintenance will save your practice no small number of headaches. That’s why Great Lakes Imaging offers on-site and off-site repairs and maintenance to minimize downtime. That ensures you’re always ready to give your patients your best, so they can return to their best. For help with all of your chiropractic equipment needs, we invite you to get in touch for individual assistance.

*Senna, MK, Machaly SA, “Does maintained spinal manipulation therapy for chronic nonspecific low back pain result in better long-term outcome?” Spine 36(18):1427-1437 (2011).